If You suffer a loss because of an Insured Event, You must make a claim for Your financial loss at Your cost. The procedure for making a claim is given below. These include things that You must do, and that You must not do. It is important to comply with these to ensure that it does not prejudice Your claim in any manner.
1. Immediate notice to Us
- As soon as any physical loss or damage occurs to Your Home Building or Home Contents due to an Insured Event, You must immediately give notice to Us of the loss or damage. This is necessary for Us to survey/ investigate the loss or damage, as may be required.
- You can give notice to any of Our offices or call-centres.
- You must state in this notice
i. the Policy Number,
ii. Your name,
iii. details of report to the police that You made,
iv. details of report to any Authority that You made,
v. details of the Insured Event,
vi. a brief statement of the loss,
vii. particulars of any other insurance of Your Home Building or any of Your Home Contents, viii. details of loss or damage under any Optional Cover or Add ons