Carpet Area means: 1. for the main building unit of Your Home, it is the net usable floor area, excluding the area covered by the external walls, areas under services shafts, exclusive balcony or verandah area and exclusive open terrace area, but including the area covered by the internal partition walls of the residential unit; 2. for any enclosed structure on the same site, it is the net usable floor area of such structure; and 3. for any balcony, verandah area, terrace area, parking area, or any enclosed structure that is part of Your Home, it is 25% of its net usable floor area
Cost of Construction is the amount required to construct Your Home Building at the Commencement Date. This amount is calculated as follows: a. For residential structure of Your Home including Fittings and Fixtures: Carpet Area of the structure in square metres X Rate of Cost of Construction at the Commencement Date. The Rate of Cost of Construction is the prevailing rate of cost of construction of Your Home Building at the Commencement Date as declared by You and accepted by Us and shown in the Policy schedule. b. For additional structures: the amount that is based on the prevailing rate of Cost of Construction at the Commencement Date as declared by you and accepted by us
Home Contents are those articles or things in Your Home that are not permanently attached or fixed to the structure of Your Home. Home Contents may consist of General Contents and/or Valuable Contents.
General Contents are all the contents of household use in Your Home, e.g., furniture, electronic items and goods, antennae, solar panels, water storage equipment, kitchen equipment, electrical equipment (including those fitted on walls), clothing and apparel and items of similar nature
Valuable Contents of Your Home consist of items such as jewellery, silverware, paintings, works of art, antique items, curios and items of similar nature