Insured events under a standard home insurance policy 

We cover physical loss or damage, or destruction caused to the Insured Property by


(However, fire caused by burning of Insured Property by order of any Public Authority is not covered)

Explosion or Implosion


Earthquake, volcanic eruption, or other convulsions of nature

Storm, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurricane, Tornado, Tsunami, Flood and Inundation

Subsidence of the land on which Your Home Building stands, Landslide, Rockslide 

(However, subsidence of the land on which Your Home Building stands caused by     a. normal cracking, settlement or bedding down of new structures, b. the settlement or movement of made up ground,coastal or river erosion, c. defective design or workmanship or use of defective materials, or d. demolition, construction, structural alterations or repair of any property, or e. groundworks or excavations is not covered)

Bush fire, Forest fire, Jungle fire

Impact damage of any kind, i.e., damage caused by impact of, or collision caused by any external physical object e.g. vehicle, falling trees, aircraft, wall etc

(However, impact damage caused by pressure waves caused by aircraft or other aerial or space devices travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds is not covered)

Missile testing operations

Riot, Strikes, Malicious Damages 

(However damage caused by a. temporary or permanent dispossession, confiscation, commandeering, requisition or destruction by order of the government or any lawful authority, or b. temporary or permanent dispossession of Your Home by unlawful occupation by any person is not covered)

Acts of terrorism (Coverage as per Terrorism Clause attached)

Bursting or overflowing of water tanks, apparatus and pipes

Leakage from automatic sprinkler installations

(However, repairs or alterations in Your Home or the building in which Your Home is located, b. repairs, removal or extension of any sprinkler installation, or c. defects in the construction known to You is not covered)

Theft within 7 (seven) days from the occurrence of and proximately caused by any of the above Insured Events

(However, if it is a. of any article or thing outside Your Home, or b. of any article or thing attached from the outside of the outer walls or the roof of Your Home, unless securely mounted is not covered)

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